What Do I Have to Lose?

Months later, even after I graduated high school, I was still very torn about not being about to go to school in London. My mentality at the time was like "whatever". I packed up my bags, drove two and a half hours to Pennsylvania, and I finally reached my college. I was surrounded by hundreds of incoming freshman who were stoked about the beginning of their college days. However, I was not among them. This literally went on for months and I became so depressed that I almost transferred to another school.

Months later, I stumbled across a table in the campus center that was advertising study abroad programs. The director of the experiential learning center was at the table, talking to other students about the plethora of study abroad programs and the benefits of studying abroad. It caught my eye, peaked my interest, so I went over to listen to what she had to say. After being at the table for about an hour, I walked away with papers, pamphlets, and brochures of the different study abroad programs that best suited my interests.

That day sparked something in me which had died a while ago...It rekindled a fire which had long since gone out. Hearing about these programs, seeing the pictures the students took while abroad, hearing their stories, filled me with such joy and optimism that I decided I wanted another chance to try to travel to London. Instead of solely relying on my family's finances, which to be frank there isn't much of, I thought, "why not try to get to London through a study abroad program? I can apply for grants, scholarships, and the rest of the tuition can be covered with the financial aid I took out for the school year anyways."

Though, the director discussed with me that freshman usually didn't participate in the study abroad programs. She said that you had to be at least a sophomore to be in the program, and in addition to that you had to make sure the classes you registered for in London were the equivalent to the ones you'd take here to earn the credit. There's some stipulations to work through, but it was worth it.

So, I thought,  "what do I have to lose?". All I could do was try, and that's what I intended to do.

             Don't forget to follow me on Instagram, Twitter and TikTok: @jojos_cup_of_mocha
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